
Today i´m going to talk about my 4th semester in Fau, this semester was really really hard, i study a lot and the teachers send us a lot of work, i like graphic design, but this semester was only industrial, which was terrible for me. i felt so tired, but right now i feel better, my best mark was 70 and the worst a 42, right now in Proyecto IV i have to do a corporal intervention (i´m so excited for that), and leaving the academic, with my friends we have a lot of funny moments, the most funny was dress up for halloween of  "Son como niños" we are a really quiet group on the outside and when we are confident we are chaos, so the fact of attracting attention that day left our confort zone, we went on field trips, we went to cafes, we laughed a lot despite our fatigue. i´m really thankful with them, without them, university would be horrible. 
i learned a lot of things and strengthen friendships.
i hope to meet more people in the years i have left and live beautiful moments.
this is the last english and blog
sooooo byebye.


  1. I agree with you orally that it is so terrible when you want something graphic and you just do an industrial project in the semester.


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